Martin Weaver Independent Kitchen & Interior Designer

Home Design & Remodelling

Showing clients their new home design

With house prices rising and floor areas getting smaller, its now more  important than ever that you use every inch that you are paying for and this where I can help

Home design and remodelling sits right in between architecture and interior design

It's all about finding out why your house doesn't work for you, and creating solutions to those problems.

 With thirty years experience in home remodelling, I can assess what changes can be made, then show you how these alterations would improve your home, using plans, images and 3D virtual reality. 

This process is how you create an amazing home that is a joy to live in.

Showing clients their new floor layout

What does it involve?

Finding storage

Find storage in places that are totally wasted, even inside stud walls.

Utilising wasted space

Under and above stairs are a classic wasted space.

Create better flow

 Free up wall space for furniture by moving or losing a door.

Altering room layouts

Consider moving walls to move space from one room to another.

Often, it will be a combination of some or all of the above, and addressing these issues can make a huge difference to how a home functions.

Get in touch
Plans for home remodelling
Storage in stud walls


We could all do with extra storage, so utilising every corner to create extra space is a priority

Even inside of stud walls !!

Relocating a doorway or even adding or removing a door


The right size door, in the right place, is critical to how you use your house.

Relocating a doorway or even adding or removing a door can make a huge difference to the flow through a house and can allow rooms to be used to their best potential

Removing walls to improve home layouts


Removing walls can be a quick and easy way to make a massive change to any home.

Although adding or even repositioning walls, can help to create and define spaces

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